Akitoshi Honda is an artist/programmer.
He studied interaction design and computer generated imaginary at Musahino Art University in Tokyo. After his Bachelor at Musashino art university he studied media art at University of art Berlin. At 2012 he got entitled Meisterschueler by Professor Joachim Sauter with solid vote of commission.
He is interested in the relations between human perception and media in the realm of art, design and science. Akitoshi worked with physical computing and programming for several of his projects to express his idea and concept. For example his work “crystal study” showed micro scale and slow process of crystallisation which is difficult to recognise with human eye and human time perception and also cause of ignorance to climate change. In another works “Glographer” and “Re: Newspapers” he showed different awareness of social matter among different countries/culture areas together with feeling of their geological existence via augmented reality technology.
Between 2016 – 2021 he joined Chora conscious city at Technical University Berlin as research fellow. His research topics at Chora is researching urban developing method within focus of actual matter in urban area such cultural, climate change, value chain, and so on to let stake holders includes citizens have better understanding and discussion in user friendly way. As implementing research topic, he developed digital multi media working environment includes interactive table application, web application, AR application.
As an artist, he has had exhibitions in several places in Europe and Asia such as Japan Media Arts Festival, ISMAR, Enter festival, DATAMI festival in JRC Ispra, BOZAR.
He is based in Berlin since 2007.
email : contact AT ahonda.org
2016 – 2020 Research fellow at Chora TU Berlin
2012 Meisterschueler, by Prof. Joachim Sauter, University of art, Berlin Germany
2010 Absolvent, Universiy of art Berlin, Berlin Germany
2007 Guest student, hfg Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe Germany
2005 BA Art, Musashino Art University, Tokyo Japan
2019 DATAMI artist in residence, EUC JRC Ispra, Italy
2017 Sensorium of Animals microresidency, FHNW Basel, Switzerland
2011 Residence program for ISMAR11, V2_ Rotterdam, Netherland
2011 Graduate scholarship, DAAD
2010 July Recommended work, Japan Media Arts Festival
Exhibitions (selected)
2021 “Klang insel” Wellen Tauch ein!, focusTerra ETH Zuerich, Zuerich Switzerland
2019 “HORAICA“, DATAMI exhibition, BOZAR, Brussels Belgium
2019 “HORAICA“, DATAMI festival, JRC Ispra, Ispra Italy
2019 “Klang insel” Bewegte Einblicke, Pharmaziemuseum der Universität Basel, Basel Swiss
2017 “Crystal study“, DeLight Festival, A Space under construction, Berlin Germany
2016 “Crystal study“, States of Matter, Spektrum, Berlin Germany
2015 “Crystal study“, Wendelstein Höhlenmediale 2015, Wendelstein Germany
2014 “Re:Newspapers“, Exploaring the Media Boundaries, National Taiwan Museum of fine art, Taichung Taiwan
2013 “Glographer”, Japan media arts festival Yamanashi, Yamanashi Japan
2012 “Sound Cape”, Gallery Countach, Tokyo Japan
2011 “Re:Newspapers”, ISMAR International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality@Shift, Shift, Basel Switzerland
2011 “Sound Cape”, Ohrenhoch, Berlin Germany
2011 “Glographer”, Enter Festival, NTK, Praha Czech Republic
2011 “Glographer”, Japan media arts festival, The National Art Center, Tokyo Japan
2011 “Monatom”, Satellite program Transmediale, N.K, Berlin Germany
2010 “Monatom”, Super colider sympoisum, Singuhr, Berlin Germany
2010 “2nd order diatoms” CTM satellite, General Public, Berlin Germany
2009 “2nd order diatoms” born digital, Toonkamer, Utrecht Holland
2009 “Scan and see” DMY extended, Betahaus, Berlin Germany
2009 “Aufbewahrter Himmel” Snapshot 09, designtransfer Udk Berlin, Berlin Germany
2007 “HANA” Go Public, Karlsruhe Germany
Lecture / Workshop
2017 Programming with Processing, Lecture/Workshop, Institute fuer Architecture TU Berlin
2016 Programming and Electronics with Arduino, Workshop, Sound Studies UdK Berlin
2015 Introducing Arduino and Processing, Lecture, Institute fuer Architecture TU Berlin
2014 Programming and Electronics with Arduino, Workshop, Sound Studies UdK Berlin
2011 Uchiwasynth workshop, Smart-deli, Berlin Germany
2011 Uchiwasynth workshop, UdK Berlin, Berlin Germany
2010 Talk, S.LOW project, NK, Berlin Germany
2009 Arduino workshop, General public, Berlin Germany
Demo hour
Hertrich, S. and Honda, A. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns: A uniform to detect and display radiation. Proc. of TEI’17. ACM, New York, 2017, 659–663.
Media exposure
klimaretter.de (DE)
Der Klimawandel als Hyperobjekt
merkur.de (DE)
Weltpremiere: Klangkunst in der Wendelsteinhöhle
ova-online (DE)
Kunst in der Tiefe des Berges
Les Inrockuptibles (FR)
Artistes et hackers, main dans la main
Artist interview
digiarts (TW)